A compliment when you are down and urgently need to feel good about yourself.

The campaign was made together with our friends: Tamara Turliun, Oleksandr Grekhov, and Anna Dovhan

Support Helping to Leave
Sign up for monthly donations at Helping to Leave with any sum and get a compliment, because sometimes it's just what you need. Both you and us :) And most importantly, you’re worth it!
Hello! We are Helping to Leave
— team that deals with evacuation of Ukrainians and more. If you are on this page, you may already be familiar with us: you support our work, you may have heard about us from your friends, or maybe weʼve helped someone close to you get to safety.
Get to know us better
We've already helped more than 50,000 people evacuate. And we are ready to keep on working for the benefit of those who still need our help.
WebsiteThere is just one “BUT” We need your support to keep going
We used to raise €13,576 in recurring donations every month; now we only raise €8,877. We want to return to that original amount, which is almost enough to let us continue rescuing Ukrainians from danger. Sometimes when things get bad and it seems that there is nothing you can do. At such times, it's important to know that you've done your best and actually have something to be proud of. That's what our emergency self-esteem-boosting service is for!